The Clothes That Guys Like On Girls

Earlier there was a perception that guys like their girls best in their sarees. But times have changed and we realise that men find their women as attractive in minis as they like them in long kurtas and in sensuous sarees. Their choice of women’s clothes has become more eclectic now since they have become less conservative and worry less about others looking at their women in the wrong way. So when you ask them what is the most attractive outfit for women the answer is varied. Do guys like skirts? Heck, they do. While some prefer the short one others find the pencil ones or the flowing ones more elegant and ideal for the Indian body type. Here’s what some guys told us what clothes they like on a girl.

1. The adoring boyfriend’s choice of clothes for his girl

I don’t care what my girl is wearing, you know why? Because she looks amazing, no matter what! Whether it’s a saree, a skirt or just PJs, she takes my breath away every time, so I don’t have a preference. I absolutely love whatever she chooses to wear. I just can’t keep my eyes off her.

2. The conservative guy’s choice

I was brought up in the old city. The area was safe but pretty conservative so wearing Western clothes wasn’t an option for women there. My girlfriend is from the same area and she grew up wearing sarees and salwar kameez.

3. The inheritance and his choice

I went to a convent school, so we had a very strict dress code. The hair had to be perfect, the skirts couldn’t be short. I think I rebelled against this for the longest time by wearing Western clothing. I know not all Western clothing is revealing, but for me, it was a big old ‘fuck you’ to the codes I grew up with. That is until my grandmother moved into a new house and gave me a bunch of her sarees that she didn’t wear anymore. I had always loved sarees but wore them only on festivals and stuff. But my Nani’s sarees are so special to me that I pretty much shifted to wearing them daily. I have even gone to clubs wearing a saree. It acts as a statement, I think. So many people have such conflicting views about the saree and I feel like by wearing them I’m just showing that they are in fact just an outfit. And don’t have to be connected to any political idea. Although the guy I am dating is okay with me wearing western clothes but he just swoons when I wear a saree. Just to watch that twinkle in his eyes I prefer to wear a saree.

4. Ethnic is better

Look, I’m not saying I tell my girlfriend what to wear. She can do as she pleases, it’s not my place to speak. But I think she looks best in ethnic wear. A saree or a salwar kameez shows off her figure perfectly. I prefer it to Western wear because, I dunno, Western wear just doesn’t have that same level of connection, I feel.

5. Comfort is prime

I think I’m an anomaly in my group of friends but I love wearing a saree. I think it’s the most comfortable garment in a subtropical climate like ours. Do you know? There’s enough ventilation if it’s our cotton, it’s the softest one. It feels like a hug. I know it can be a bit much to maintain, but I think that is a matter of habit. Girls of our mothers and grandmothers generation used to wear sarees daily. I don’t wear it daily, but I prefer them over all other ethnic or Western wear. My husband also loves it that way. 

6. I like Western wear

I dunno whether it’s because my mother and aunts and everyone at home only wear sarees or because my girlfriend wears only Western clothes, but I prefer Western clothes on her. The connotation is different, I think. I wouldn’t care if she wore anything, but I think I’m just used to seeing her wear trousers and skirts with tops so I find it odd when she wears other things.

7. She can wear whatever she wants

Look, I don’t think I have a preference, but even if I did, I wouldn’t comment as a man. I’ve never been reprimanded for wearing shorts when going outside. My sister has been and I think that’s bullshit. You have to dress per occasion of course, but that’s common sense for everyone and I think it’s unfair that women tend to get the majority of the scrutiny. I don’t think it’s anyone’s business what women should or should not wear and we have to leave the choice to them.

8. I can’t wear sarees for too long

I love how I look while wearing a saree, but I get so tired of making sure I don’t trip on the fabric and keeping everything together. I’m just not used to wearing them and the whole experience just stresses me out. I am the most comfortable in a pair of jeans and a kurta. I like to mix it up. So women might look the most sensuous and attractive in their sarees but when it comes to the clothes guys like on a girl it can go both ethnic and western way. It’s their personal choice and they like what works for their girl. So here we go we move away from the age-old perception that Indian women look best in sarees. Indian men changed that.

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